Mental Health & Wellness

Articles covering topics related to non-binary and transgender mental health, well-being, and overall wellness.

self care tips for trans people

Real Self-Care Tips That Prioritize Wellness and Stability

Let’s be real—most self-care advice out there doesn’t work for everyone, especially for us trans people. Bubble baths, yoga retreats, and skincare products might be nice for some, but they’re not practical or attainable for many of us. Worse, they don’t address the deeper need for stability and support in our lives. So, what does

Real Self-Care Tips That Prioritize Wellness and Stability Read More »

how to create wellness goals by journaling

Trans Journal Series: Creating Your Wellness Goals

Welcome to a brand-new year! If you’re feeling unsure about how to set wellness goals, don’t worry—you’re not alone. “Wellness” can feel like a buzzword, but at its core, it’s about figuring out what helps you feel good—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. For our New Year edition of our Trans Journal Series, we will walk

Trans Journal Series: Creating Your Wellness Goals Read More »


Strategies for managing unsupportive family or friends during your gender transition

Having relationships with old friends and unsupportive family members who may struggle to understand or accept your gender identity can be emotionally challenging. Setting boundaries is a crucial aspect of self-care and maintaining your mental and emotional well-being. Let’s explore strategies for setting boundaries with compassion and assertiveness when faced with individuals who don’t fully

Strategies for managing unsupportive family or friends during your gender transition Read More »

In order to provide healthcare services to you and give you medically appropriate care, we are required to get a recent blood pressure reading. You can get your blood pressure read for free at many pharmacies, go to your primary care doctor, or you may purchase a blood pressure cuff online.