
Writing Your Own Story: The Plume Journey

Plume is turning 5! Since our founding, our mission has been to get trans people the right care at the right time in a relatable and reliable way. At Plume, we understand that being trans is about more than just a medical transition; it’s about writing your own story. Each individual’s journey is unique, filled with personal challenges, triumphs, and milestones. Over these five years, we’ve been humbled by the stories of courage and transformation that our patients have shared with us. 

As we approach our five-year anniversary, we are reflecting on the journey we’ve taken together with the thousands of trans and non-binary people who have entrusted us with their care. Our role has been to provide the tools, support, and care needed to help our patients live authentically and fully. We asked, “How has Plume supported you on your gender journey?” Here are their stories in their own words:

The Power of the Plume

The plume is not just a symbol for our organization; it represents the power to author your own narrative. In a world where trans people often face barriers, discrimination, and gatekeeping, Plume stands out as care that is accessible and helps support trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people of all backgrounds to take control of their gender journey. We are honored to be a part of so many stories where trans people have found the strength to take control of their identities, pursue their dreams, and live their truths.

Looking Forward

As we celebrate our five-year anniversary, we are more committed than ever to expanding our services, reaching more people in the community, and continuing to provide the highest level of care and support. Our patients’ stories inspire us to push forward, innovate, and fight for a world where every trans and nonbinary person has the opportunity to write their own story with pride and confidence.

Thank you for being a part of the Plume family. Here’s to the next five years!

In order to provide healthcare services to you and give you medically appropriate care, we are required to get a recent blood pressure reading. You can get your blood pressure read for free at many pharmacies, go to your primary care doctor, or you may purchase a blood pressure cuff online.

Please note we have revised our privacy policy to more clearly describe our privacy practices. The new privacy policy will take effect on February 9, 2021 and can be found here. Your continued use of our Site constitutes your agreement to our new privacy policy. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding our new Privacy Policy.