
Trans and Nonbinary Artists You Need to Know (Part 2)

Welcome to part 2 of our Trans and Nonbinary Artist Spotlight series! Art has always been a powerful force within the trans community. It serves not only as a means of self-expression but also as a vital tool for advocacy and visibility. Throughout history, trans and nonbinary individuals have used art to tell their stories, document their experiences, and resist oppression. From the vibrant underground scenes of past decades to the mainstream breakthroughs of today, trans and nonbinary artists have been at the forefront of cultural and social change. 

In this series, we will introduce you to a diverse group of artists from various disciplines and backgrounds. We believe that by sharing these stories, we can foster greater understanding, appreciation, and support for trans and nonbinary artists. Join us in this 4-part series as we explore the rich tapestry of trans and nonbinary artistry and celebrate the resilience, creativity, and beauty that these artists bring to the world. Their work is not just important; it is essential to the ongoing fight for equality and the celebration of diverse identities.

A sincere thank you to all of the trans and nonbinary artists who submitted their incredible work and gave us the opportunity to share their talents with the world. You make this world more beautiful and we thank you! 

Missed part 1? Get caught up now and stay tuned for parts 3 and 4 later this week!

Cooper Joslin (they/them)

Cooper Joslin is a web developer, artist, and activist in Washington, DC. Their visual art has been featured in collections at the DC Commission of Arts & Humanities’ I Street Gallery, the Rhizome, DuPont Underground, the Eaton Hotel, the DC Center, and As You Are. With a background in journalism, Cooper now uses their expertise to document the modern history of the transgender community through their growing oral history archive, The Trans Guide. Visit their website and follow them on Instagram at @coopjoslin.

Oliver Cruz (he/him)

Oliver (he/him) is a trans sculptor living in Flagstaff, AZ. He works typically in paper clay but has recently been branching out thanks to his studies at Northern Arizona University. Featured is an example of his older work with paper clay called “You Look Like Me,” which shows a couple of Pipevine swallowtail caterpillars, as well as a newer piece called “Cowbug and Bug Cow,” which shows a playful scene of a mesquite bug cowboy and his disobedient hercules beetle in bronze. Follow Oliver at on Instagram @olive___creations.

Robbie (he/him)

Robbie is an autistic and queer artist from Finland! He focuses on creating positive LGBTQ+ representation with artwork and characters. You can find his art posted on Instagram, where the goal is to create an inclusive community for all queer people! Follow him on Instagram at @pawsuprobbie.

We hope you enjoyed part 2 of our Trans and Nonbinary Artist Spotlight series. Each artist’s work is a testament to the power of creativity as a means of self-expression, advocacy, and community building. As we continue to share their stories, we invite you to reflect on the beauty and resilience that these artists bring to the world. Stay tuned for the next part of our series, where we’ll continue to celebrate the rich diversity and profound impact of trans and nonbinary artistry.

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