Trans Journal Series: Creating Your Wellness Goals

how to create wellness goals by journaling

Welcome to a brand-new year! If you’re feeling unsure about how to set wellness goals, don’t worry—you’re not alone. “Wellness” can feel like a buzzword, but at its core, it’s about figuring out what helps you feel good—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. For our New Year edition of our Trans Journal Series, we will walk you through reflecting on your needs, challenges, and dreams so you can build goals that feel meaningful and doable. Let’s get into it. Grab your journal (or your notes app), your favorite pen, and a comfy seat—this time is for you.

Table of Contents

What does wellness mean to me?

Think about what being “well” looks like in your life. For instance, does it mean having the energy to do things you love? Feeling less stressed? Feeling confident in your skin?

Wellness for me means feeling present in my body and connected to myself. It means having the space to rest when I need it and the courage to set boundaries that protect my peace.

Pro tip: Write down a definition that feels true for you at the present moment. You can revisit it as you work through your goals. 

When have I felt the most balanced and content?

Picture a time when things felt right. Maybe it was a moment, a day, or even a short phase. What were you doing, and what made it feel special?

I felt most balanced last summer when I started walking after dinner. It gave me time to clear my head, connect with nature, and sleep better.

Dig deeper: If you can’t think of a time, reflect on what balance and contentment might feel like for you.

How do I currently care for my mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health?

Break it down into these four areas. What’s working? What’s missing?


  • Mental: I go to therapy regularly.
  • Emotional: I talk to friends but avoid feelings I don’t want to face.
  • Physical: I stretch sometimes but don’t move my body as much as I’d like..
  • Spiritual: I haven’t made time for my tarot practice and miss it.

Pro tip: You don’t have to have it all figured out. This is about noticing where you are to determine where you want to go.

What are three things I want to feel more of this year?

Choose feelings that resonate with you—calm, joy, confidence, strength, freedom.

This year, I want to feel more connected, grounded, and hopeful. My goals could include weekly calls with my best friend, taking up yoga, and keeping a gratitude journal.

Pro tip: Think of actions tied to each feeling.

What barriers have kept me from prioritizing my well-being in the past?

Be honest with yourself. Maybe it’s self-doubt, lack of time, or just not knowing where to start.

I’ve avoided working on my wellness because I feel guilty taking time for myself. I’m realizing that I can’t pour from an empty cup.

Pro tip: For every barrier, brainstorm one way to push back against it.

How does my trans or non-binary identity influence my wellness needs?

Being trans shapes our experiences and our self-care. Maybe you need more spaces where you feel safe, or perhaps you’re navigating access to gender-affirming healthcare.

My wellness needs include finding a trans-friendly gym and making time for voice practice. Feeling affirmed is key to my mental health.

Pro tip: Wellness goals aren’t just about mainstream ideas or standards. They’re about your reality.

What does a “bad day” look like for me, and how can I care for myself when I’m in that space?

We all have hard days. Knowing how to handle them can help you bounce back quicker.

On bad days, I isolate and doomscroll. A wellness goal could be creating a “bad day” toolkit: a playlist, affirming videos, a friend to call, and a reminder to drink water.

Pro tip: Build habits that help you feel supported, even on tough days.

What support systems do I have, and how can I lean on them?

Who or what helps you feel supported in day-to-day life? This could be friends, family, a therapist, online communities, or even your pet.

My best friend is my rock, but I don’t always reach out. This year, I want to schedule monthly check-ins.

Pro tip: Don’t forget self-support—what you can do for yourself.

What’s one small change I can make this week to feel more aligned with my wellness goals?

Start small—wellness is a marathon, not a sprint.

I can spend five minutes every morning stretching. It’s a baby step toward moving my body more.

Pro tip: Small wins build momentum for bigger changes.

If I were living my most fulfilled and healthy life, what would my daily routine look like?

Visualize your dream day. What time do you wake up? What do you eat? How do you spend your time?

My ideal day includes a morning walk, eating lunch without checking emails, and journaling before bed. These could become new habits.

Pro tip: Pick one piece of that dream routine and make it your goal.

Your wellness goals are about creating a life that feels good for you. It’s okay if your goals are small, imperfect, or still a work in progress. What matters is that you’re showing up for yourself.

Take it one step at a time, celebrate your wins, and remember that your wellness is important, just like you are. Let’s make this year one of growth, joy, empowerment, and care. 

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