March 23, 2022

How Do Nonbinary People Wear Makeup? from Jecca Blac

This article is brought to you by a collaboration between Plume and Jecca Blac, a UK-based, vegan, gender-free makeup brand.  Jecca Blac began with educational, safe space lessons for makeup wearers at the very start of their journey with self expression. These lessons presented clients with an opportunity to experiment with makeup for the very […]

How Do Nonbinary People Wear Makeup? from Jecca Blac Read More »

Makeup Tips to Master at the Start of Transitioning from Jecca Blac

This article is brought to you by a collaboration between Plume and Jecca Blac, a UK-based, vegan, gender-free makeup brand. Jecca Blac began with educational, safe space lessons for makeup wearers at the very start of their journey with self expression, many of whom were from the trans and nonbinary community. Our makeup sessions presented clients

Makeup Tips to Master at the Start of Transitioning from Jecca Blac Read More »

In order to provide healthcare services to you and give you medically appropriate care, we are required to get a recent blood pressure reading. You can get your blood pressure read for free at many pharmacies, go to your primary care doctor, or you may purchase a blood pressure cuff online.