How to Start Your Surgery Journey

Featuring Dr. Mosser (he/him) of the Gender Confirmation Center

Countless barriers can get between us and the gender affirming care we need to live our full and authentic lives. From obtaining physician and therapist letters, fighting your insurance for surgery approval, and long waitlists, this process can feel like an uphill battle that never ends.

Learn all about How to Start Your Surgery Journey with Dr. Mosser (he/him), a board-certified surgeon and founder of The Gender Confirmation Center, one of the leading gender-affirming clinics in the country.

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Links and Resources

View our list of resources pulled from the webinar, including insurance navigation, letter support, and more.

Mental health benefits associated with gender-affirming surgery

Trans Health Care Directory (searchable by State)

WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health)

Trans Health Project: Navigating surgery from start to finish

Insurance Enrollment Support

Care Credit

Inclusive Therapists

National Queer & Trans Therapists of Color Network

QueerCare Surgery Support

QueerCare is an organization that hopes to make it easier for trans, GNC, and LGBTQ people to plan and schedule their medical procedures knowing that they have a support system that will be there for them throughout the process.

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About Dr. Scott Mosser (he/him)

Dr. Mosser is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has a deep and long-lasting commitment to gender confirmation surgery. He has over 13 years of experience performing gender affirming surgeries and has been exclusively devoted to gender affirming care since the opening of The Gender Confirmation Center in 2013.

Dr. Mosser believes that the best results are obtained when he first understands the needs and desires of his patients, and then empowers them with the understanding of what leads up to and comes after surgery. He emphasizes a superior level of customer service and compassion from start to finish, with the hope that his patients know  they have the full support of the entire team from the initial consultation  through the completion of recovery.

Dr. Mosser always works to educate himself on the emerging needs of the transgender community, and spends time educating fellow medical professionals on the challenges and inspiration that trans individuals bring to the surgical experience.

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