How to Get a Blood Pressure Reading

Blood pressure is one of many health indicators our providers use within the context of your visit to create a treatment plan that is right for you. We require a blood pressure reading that has been taken within the last 30 days. If you are unsure how to acquire a reading, here are some suggestions:

Blood pressure

Visit or call your in person health care provider

If you have visited your primary care physician or another health care provider in the past month, they may have a recent blood pressure reading on file. If you have an upcoming in person health appointment, ask for a reading!

Blood pressure monitor

Purchase a blood pressure monitor at a local pharmacy or online

We recommend using an automatic blood pressure monitor with an upper arm cuff as opposed to a wrist cuff for improved accuracy. You can find these in store, online, and through major online retailers such as Amazon for less than $30.

Ask a friend

Ask a friend or family member

Folks who need to take their blood pressure regularly likely have an at home monitor. Ask around as someone you know may have one you can borrow.

Pharmacy isle

Call a pharmacy near you to see if they have a public blood pressure machine

Many major pharmacy chains such as CVS, Walgreens, and Walmart have public blood pressure machines available. Calling ahead is recommended to verify they have a machine in store and it is available for public use.

Fire station

Call your local fire station

Fire department staff have basic medical training and many stations offer blood pressure readings for free. Call your local station to see if they provide this service.

In order to provide healthcare services to you and give you medically appropriate care, we are required to get a recent blood pressure reading. You can get your blood pressure read for free at many pharmacies, go to your primary care doctor, or you may purchase a blood pressure cuff online.

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